"Dear Me!", dos East New Sound

"Dear Me!", dos East New Sound (remastered)

quarta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2010

Momento Musical: Mami Kawada - Beehive

Ora boas pessoal. Rebel Moon here.

Hoje o momento é musical, e apetece-me deixar-vos uma música j-pop da Mami Kawada.
Chama-se Beehive.
Deixo-vos a letra traduzida em baixo =)

(1st Part)
Comfort that seems to protect
And loneliness on the verge of bursting -
Why are they here?
Those things should have been left behind somewhere.

(1st Bridge)
One day, this aching wound will heal.

(2nd Part)
Joy that seems to be shared
And fear that has disappeared.
My body’s strength is escaping;
It’s already too late to get used to it.

(2nd Bridge)
This smooth white skin is blotted with red.

(1st Chorus)
I greet the sun that dances through the night,
Which is inserted into this frame,
Because “I was chosen”.
Ah, tell me why I should live
When I already know everything.

(3rd Bridge)
What is stirring? Who is being manipulated?
The crowd of identical faces lowers its voice.

(2nd Chorus)
Now, I’m only sure of my memories.
I can feel that only a thin breath
Is still living in this small, bustling city.
I don’t want to be buried here.

(3rd Chorus)
I greet the sun that dances through the night,
Which is inserted into this frame,
Because “I was chosen”.
On this softly smiling day,
I search for a reason to keep living.

haven nigeru? heaven toberu? (Final Part: means Escape from this haven? Fly to heaven?)

Rebel Moon

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